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Sep 30, 20205 min read
My Family Trees
by Jena Copley My grandparents have always been two of my favorite people in this world. My clearest childhood memories are from their...
Aug 5, 20204 min read
YOU get a tomato . . . YOU get a tomato. . .and YOU get a tomato!
by Marie Stofesky The sun is shining brightly with not one cloud in the sky casting endless heat and making it unbearable to set foot...
Jun 17, 20202 min read
“It’s tomato day!"
By Violet My grandfather kept a small garden when I was a child. He grew tomatoes and yellow peppers. We made a trip of going to the...
Nov 13, 20192 min read
The Four Musketeers
by Kendyll Hazzard Recently I found myself along the side of a road, learning about Betula papyrifera, the paper birch, as a part of...
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