About us
share your story. grow a movement.
We believe that everyone has a Plant Love Story: a story about how plants have shaped your life. We’re collecting these stories to show how plants affect us all. Please share your story!
PlantLoveStories is brought to you by the Smith Conservation Fellows. We are conservation biologists who work and play in forests and prairies, oceans and lakes, mountains and caves, farms and cities, streams and rivers, deserts and wetlands and all the places in between.
Becky Barak planted the seed of this idea in our heads. Becky Tonietto, Bonnie McGill, Caitlin McDonough MacKenzie, Mallika Nocco, Molly Bletz, Sara Kuebbing and Talia Young sprouted the idea into this website. Bonnie designed our logo.
We hope you all will help our seedling grow by sharing your PlantLoveStory.
Outside of this site, check out other ways we share plant love:
Read a summary of our live storytelling session at the Ecological Society of America meeting in the ESA bulletin.
Check out our op-ed, "We do not want to “cure plant blindness” we want to grow plant love" in Plants, People, Planet.
Read the feature about Plant Love Stories, "Love Letters", in Wildflower Magazine.
We are featured on the Chicago Botanic Garden blog.
Check out "Finding Resilience through Plant Love" via the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
This website uses the following custom fonts: Erica Type by Peter Wiegel and zerocalcare script by Zetafonts.
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